ZST Book Club

Embark on a literary adventure with the ZST Book Club! Join a vibrant community of readers who share a passion for tarot, astrology, and exploring the hidden depths within ourselves and the stories we consume. Delve into captivating narratives, discuss their spiritual, esoteric (mostly astrological and tarot) themes, and discover how these elements enhance your reading experience.

Unique Book Selections & Engaging Discussions:

  • Bimonthly Themed Picks:ย Our selections rotate every two months, focusing on captivating fiction and non-fiction that weave in themes of esotericism (mostly: tarot, astrology), spirituality, psychology, evolution, biology, mythology, or personal growth.
  • Monthly Zodiac Read: Each month, delve into a book that resonates with the current zodiac sign. Explore themes of leadership and courage with an Aries selection, or delve into introspection with a Pisces pick.
  • Member-Nominated Reads:ย Twice a year, we open the floor for member suggestions! Nominate your favorite books that explore themes relevant to the ZST community.
  • In-Depth Discussions:ย Our facilitated discussions delve into character motivations, plot twists, and the deeper messages within the story, all through spiritual lens.

Interactive Activities & Member Participation:

  • Pre-Reading Zodiac & Tarot Exploration:ย Before each book club online meeting, we’ll provide introductory materials that explore the astrological and tarot themes within the book.
  • Tarot Spread Book Discussion:ย After reading the book of the month, we create a tarot spread inspired by the themes or characters of the book. This is a fun way to integrate tarot readings with literature.
  • Creative Activities:ย Online we unleash our creativity with interactive activities like creating tarot spreads, designing astrological charts for characters, or writing from the perspective of a character influenced by their zodiac sign.
  • Member-Led Discussions:ย We empower members to lead discussions on specific chapters or themes that resonated with them, fostering a sense of community ownership.

Expanding Your Horizons:

  • Author Astrology Analysis:ย We analyze the birth chart of the book’s author during our online book club meetings. We discuss how the astrological influences might have affected their writing style and themes.
  • Astrological Book Recommendations:ย At the end of each meeting, we provide book recommendations based on the chosen members’ sun, moon, and rising signs.
  • Guest Speakers Series: We host guest speakers such as authors, coaches, or experts to provide deeper insights into the book club’s selections.
  • Reading Challenges: We set up reading challenges with astrological themes, like reading a book that features a protagonist of a specific zodiac sign each month.

Unleash Your Creativity:

Zodiac-Based Storytelling: Encourage members to write short stories or essays that incorporate zodiac and tarot elements, inspired by the book of the month.

Join the ZST Book Club and embark on a transformative literary adventure! Connect with like-minded individuals, deepen your understanding of esotericism (especially tarot and astrology), universal life wisdom, spirituality, psychology, biology, evolution, personal transformation and self-development, and discover new worlds within the pages of captivating stories.

Contact us today to learn more and register for the ZST Book Club!

Ocean of abundance, success, love, health, and wealth!

Lady Magnate

๐Ÿ“š Reading List ๐Ÿ“š

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was a British theoretical physicist and cosmologist who made significant contributions to our understanding of black holes, the Big Bang, and the nature of space, time, and gravity. He become one of the most renowned scientists of his time, bridging the gap between science and the public through his books, such as “A Brief History of Time”.

Essential Reads from Stephen Hawking’s Works:

  1.  A Brief History of Time (1988) is Stephen Hawking’s most famous book. It is a comprehensive and accessible overview of the universe, from the Big Bang to black holes. Hawking explains complex scientific concepts in clear and engaging language, making it a popular choice for readers of all levels of scientific knowledge. Find on Amazon: A Brief History of Time
  2. The Universe in a Nutshell (2001) is a follow-up to A Brief History of Time. In this book, Hawking tackles even more challenging topics, such as string theory and the nature of reality. However, he continues to write in a clear and engaging style, making his ideas accessible to a wide audience. Find on Amazon: The Universe in a Nutshell
  3. Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays (1993) is a collection of Hawking’s essays on a variety of topics, including black holes, the Big Bang, and the future of the universe. The essays are written in a clear and engaging style, making them a good choice for readers who want to learn more about Hawking’s work. Find on Amazon: Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays
  4. In The Grand Design (2010), Hawking argues that there is no need for a God to explain the existence of the universe. He contends that the laws of physics are sufficient to explain the origin and evolution of the universe. The book is a controversial one, but it is a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in the nature of reality. Find on Amazon: The Grand Design
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